Draw up to R16 dont forget changes may occur see our Facebook Page for changes or my league app
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by ccwebsites2019 AGE CO-ORDINATORS
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by ccwebsitesAGE NAME MOBILE EMAIL
U6 MATT SMITH 0414 770 221 smithfencingandgates@gmail.com
U7 MATT SMITH 0414 770 221 smithfencingandgates@gmail.com
U8 JAMIE MCCULLOCH 0409 968 840 jamomcculloch@yahoo.com.au
U9 STUART BRADY 0403 069 236 stuartwbrady@gmail.com
U10 ANDY SKIDMORE 0435 913 753 treasurerkincumbercolts@outlook.com
U11 ANDY SKIDMORE 0435 913 753 treasurerkincumbercolts@outlook.com
U12 MATT MITCHELL 0421 930 168 jessandmattmitchell@gmail.com
U13 STEVE KELLY 0418 473 127 Steven.G.Kelly@team.telstra.com
U14 STEVE LEGGE 0401 580 355 stevelegge40@gmail.com
U15 MICK DEAKIN 0406 785 317 mkdstainlessandunst@gmail.com
U16 KEVIN HONG 0417 282 066 khong@colemansfencing.com.au
U18 MARK BESLEY 0434 147 238 mark.beza@hotmail.com
/0 Comments/in Uncategorised /by ccwebsitesAny player needing to apply for dispensation, must now use the new DISPENSATION FORM – located in our Documents tab at the top of the page. This applies when you have requested to move or leave our Club & you have been denied. Please see below the newly introduced ruling from the CCDJRL that apply from this season.
Rule 1. Only 2 players (previously 3) from any age group from one Club can transfer in one season to another club in the said age group – (this is determined by the DOB).
Rule 2. The top 4 teams from the previous season in 1st Div Mod & International will NOT be eligible to receive transfers. Any other transferred players in the same club but lower division will NOT be eligible to play up in the Div 1 team.
Should you feel you have a worthy case to move to our Club, Please contact Mel or Nicola so we can check Division Records. Your Dispensation Forms must be lodged before for the 1st meeting Saturday 9th Feb.
If you require any assistance completing your forms or have any inquiries, please contact Mel Montgomery (041946431) or Nicola Oldfield (0403752717) at your earliest.
Kincumber Colts JRLFC
President: Jenny Tonga
Secretary: Leana Kirkwood
Postal Address :
P.O. Box 6049, Kincumber NSW 2251
Field Address :
Cnr Empire Bay Drive & MacKillop Rd Kincumber South
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